Awks high school photos, featuring Sofiya Mahdi

By Lauren Dezenski, Features Associate Editor–Blog

Hailing from just across the pond, Sofiya is the FreeP’s resident foreigner. Though she doesn’t have an accent, making it super awkward when you see on her Facebook that she’s from England, but then she speaks like an American. Not that I’m speaking from experience or anything…

Everyone give a hearty pip pip to our bird, Opinion Editor Sofiya Mahdi!

Sofiya then, circa 2006

What made you so awkward? I had not been introduced to Tweezers yet, so… or a hair straightener. The awkwardness.

Describe your awkward persona in three words: gawky, rambly and blind. I was in denial that I needed glasses so sixth and seventh grade were literally a blur.

What was your favorite pose for photos? The really weird head tilt so you would only see half of my face.

Favorite social media site for sharing pictures? Bebo. (Editor’s note: it’s an international thing)

What’s changed from your early high school/middle school days? First thing: I can see. That’s always good. Externally, I seem to have gotten my life together, but I’m still really awkward anyway.

Sofiya now with her dad

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